Posts Tagged ‘fear’


Bonhomme sept-heures

G’day, eh? Happy New Year! Have you recovered from your hangover yet? I think I’m most of the way there, but I still had to drive pretty slowly into work today.* Good thing the Ministry of Demything the Realm is only a half hour drive through the sticks on greasy winter roads from my igloo!

Anyway, we’re back with a great question from Jim Spain aboot why Canadians are afraid of the dark! It turns out it’s not the dark we’re afraid of, but what’s in it. You’d be scared too if something was trying to eat you, I bet.

As always, please send us your questions aboot Canada by clicking the menu option at the top of the page, or the big moose at the bottom! We’re here to make sure everyone knows just what life is like in the Great White North! –Duncan

*In the immortal words of Bob and Doug MacKenzie, don’t drink and drive at the same time, eh?