Posts Tagged ‘maple syrup’


Weaponized Syrup

Maple syrup is a substance of great power, and the potential for humankind is enormous! Of course, in the true Western tradition, the first thing a European did with it was turn it into a weapon, eh? Argh the Ruthless was already an incredibly strong Viking warrior, but using dark Norse magic to infuse maple syrup into his very blood made him nigh invincible! Who knows, maybe he can even take a light sabre to the gut and survive! –Duncan

Mission Eh? Possible

Today’s question is aboot Canada’s rich tapestry of cinematic excellence. Raven Perez wants to know what our favourite action movie is! Well, taste in any kind of art form is subjective of course, but one action film that did very well in Canada was Mission Eh? Possible! It was full of chases, kidnappings, snowball fights, and even had a torture scene where Eat Then Hunt was forced to lick a frozen flagpole! Imagine! It all turns out all right in the end for the hero, of course, but the tension doesn’t ease up until the dramatic plot twisting finale! And no, I won’t tell you what it is, but I will say that it involves a lobster.

But oh! The scandal! After weeks at #1 in the box office, it came out that the producers of the film had simply made another Canadian version of an American film! They substituted Canadian things in for the American ones to appeal to our audiences! For a few days there was rioting in the street (because as we all know there is only one street in Canada), and then we all cooled off (inevitable in the Great White North) and thought aboot it. We realized that hey, it may be a Canadianized version, but it’s still some good movie! So we all said “Sorry!” and went back to the theaters to watch it some more. –Duncan



Jim Spain is back with a great question, eh? What do we eat for breakfast? Well, truthfully, we have a variety of people around the country, and we eat a lot of different things. So here are a few skookum selections to whet your appetite! –Duncan

Maple Syrup

Adam Black asks “What’s the big deal with maple syrup?” Well, it’s a very important part of our history, eh? We do lots of things with it. You’d be surprised how versatile it is! This brief comic is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the rich history of this rich mana of the maple tree!  –Duncan