Posts Tagged ‘mountains’



How exactly do Canadians grow up to be such awesome and strong people? Well, a lot of training goes into it, eh? James Riot asks aboot the ritualistic body paint he’s seen pictures of. In fact, this comic serves to explain two things: the baby rituals and the origin of Dudleys!

Some facts aboot Skrank wasps: they are aboot a meter long, although two meter specimens have been recorded. They feast on large mammals, which can include humans if they’re hungry. They are usually solitary creatures, being too large to share a meal. They implant their larva into some of the large terrestrial Canadian birds, like the Bolanth Bird. And they taste like chicken. –Duncan.



Far from mythical, the flatulent powers of Canadians are mythic! Heroic! Even superheroic! Unfortunately, the Olympic committee has thus far refused to allow any of our fartaletes to compete in sports where we can show off our rectal prowess. That’s why they aren’t showcased in front of the world for all to see, eh? We’ll just have to wait for smellovision to be invented and then hack all the satellites to show the hit Canadian movie “Higgins McTavish And His Iron Tush Part 3: The Fartenning.” Seriously, that one gassed out theaters all over the country! –Duncan